Carol A. Fiorile, PhD, BCBA-D is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral Level.  

Behavior analysts fulfill a variety of functions, predominantly related to the observable behaviors of individuals. When speaking about the observable behavior of an individual, the parameters are limitless in terms identifying the needs of your child. Consideration should be given to how effectively your child can communicate with others (peers and siblings, as well as parents and teachers), how appropriate your child is able to play, can he/she participate in a group, and how well your child is learning at school. Another important area is related to problem behaviors, which most often develop as a result of what happens in the environment after your child emits a problem behavior. The behavior analyst, being an expert observer, will directly observe your child’s behavior in a variety of environments in order to develop an accurate assessment of his/her present performance and needs. The behavior analyst, subsequent to (i) gathering information through interviews with parents, teachers, and related service providers, (ii) conducting direct observations in multiple settings/environments, (iii) and reviewing relevant documents and prior evaluations, should then be able to describe the problem, and implement interventions designed to improve your child's capabilities. The behavior analyst should also provide a means for conducting ongoing evaluation to determine  the effectiveness of therapies and treatments. This is typically accomplished by training staff working with your child to record on-going data, to periodically (recommended not less than once per week) analyze those data, and to provide parents/caregivers with effective strategies to implement at home and in the community.

Your behavior analyst should be readily able to provide treatment interventions supported by empirical scientific research, which are founded on the principles of behavior analysis. Oftentimes, the behavior analyst will initially implement a protocol that includes a specific prompt (i.e., full physical, gestural, modeling, verbal), and then move toward systematically reducing the prompt levels to promote independence in your child's ability to perform the skill, as well as to minimize and ultimately eliminate dependence on adult assistance. 

In summary, Carol Fiorile will assist you in teaching new skills (communication, cognitive, fine motor, social/emotional, adaptive daily living) that your child lacks, identify and manage any (if applicable) behavioral needs of your child. She will assess and implement interventions using research-based methodologies, conduct on-going data analysis, and work to develop your child's independent capabilities.